Discover Curaçao’s energy sector: sustainable initiatives, energy sources, and development plans.

Our energy policy
The Ministry developed a National Energy Policy on behalf of the Government of Curaçao in which the objects and priorities for the energy sector in Curaçao are widely outlined. The main aim in deveopling an energy policy is to make Curaçao’s energy sector more efficient, more transparent for stakeholders and less dependant on petroleum fuel imports. It is our believe that through efficiency gains, efficient use of resources and a reduced dependancy on petroleum fuel imports, we can stregthen the competitive position of Curaçao.
The Vision
The Government of Curaçao strives for a reliable, affordable, secure and sustainable energy system which supports the welfare and well-being of Curaçao’s residents and contributes to make Curaçao the preferred country in the region for industry, trade and tourism. To this end, the energy, water and mobility infrastructure are among the best in the Caribbean.
You can Download and read the complete energy policy here to further read about our ambition and approach, our objectives and the strategies to make this vision come true in our energy sector.